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In Christ Alone

Psalm 118 vs 8-9? “it is better to put confidence in God than in man or princes”.

In life, we come across some people and we have so much faith in them, we almost make them God. We see our Pastors as our all in all. We do not allow God lead us in His way. Instead of looking up to God, we have placed our pastor, mentor, father or whoever in front of us. We now look up to these people thereby obstructing our view of God. If only you give yourself a chance with God, you can be used as a greater tool than even your Pastor. Psalm 118:8-9 tells us that it is better to put confidence in God than in man or princes.

You may feel like the road is too unknown to tread alone. The truth is You are not alone! God is with you and you do not need to follow anyone but Him. Yes it is important to have mentors, Yes it is very good to look up to your pastors to learn from them but never allow them to take the place of God.God wants you to ask Him what to do; you don?t have to ask your pastor to help you ask God.? Your help, direction, blessing, salvation is in Christ alone. Not in the person you can see.

Allow God lead you through the people He has placed before you but instead of focusing on these people, focus on Christ alone?..For all the help you need is in Christ alone.

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